General Ophthalmologist Appointment status(Select the time)
The flow of an online appointment
- 1Chose date, time and Dr.
- 2Fill in e-mail adress
- 3Access to the URL in email and input your information
- 4Complete
Select an appointment time
Appointment status for June, 2023 |
◎ ○ =That time is available.
△ =That time is available.
×=Please call us.
■=Cataract operations are scheduled for this timeframe.
You can check the time frame from 11:00 to 19:00 by horizontal sliding.
June2(Fri.)-June8(Thu.) |
June9(Fri.)-June15(Thu.) |
Date |
Doctor |
Date |
Doctor |
June2(Fri.)-June8(Thu.) |
June9(Fri.)-June15(Thu.) |